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Closing the Loop

We have entered the 3rd Millennium of the Christian Era, which coincides with the the beginning of the 6th Millennium of the Kali Yuga, 5th Millennium of the Chinese Calendar, 6th Millennium of the Hebrew Calendar, and, though no longer much in use today, a whooping record 8th Millennium of the Byzantine Calendar. We may not always agree on how we got here as an evolving species, but we cannot argue that we are now well into the 6th century of the modern Planetary Era, set off by the Age of Discovery and culminating into todays interdependent world. Today, the life of any individual on this planet is intrinsically dependent on that of all other human beings. We are living the apogee of the Planetary Era and the apogee of Human evolution. We are not united in a harmonious way though. In fact it is the threat of extinction more than anything else that makes humanity so interdependent today. The lives of over 7.8 billion human beings are interdepend on the management of natural resources and that of nuclear weapons. The Human Race is thriving more than ever, while at the same time learning to live on a constant brink of extinction. Humanity can evolve into a new compassionate species capable of understanding its interdependence within the species and its deep connection with the environment that surrounds us, but it can also collapse and implode once again in a novel Dark Age of fragmentation, or it can all but vanish due to a nuclear holocaust or as a consequence of the Anthropocene Mass Extinction. Surprisingly the direction humanity chooses is up to us. The key to our success lies in our ability to comprehend that our Consciousness precedes Matter.



Meet Carmelo Pistorio

I consider myself first and foremost a philosopher, but one who has come to the conclusion that books will only teach you so much unless you are willing to learn through experience. And thus I have sought out all I could learn around the world. I am a writer, a sailor, an entrepreneur, an innovator, an environmentalist, a futurist. I am a jack of all trades, that having mastered none, like Leopardi’s Wild Broom, will always find a way to grow and improve. There’s always some regret on what was left behind by avoiding the beaten track, or the straight and narrow, but having lived half of my life already and looking forward to the years ahead, I can say with serenity that the many adversities I have encountered on my random paths have served me well, to be a better person, a better father, a better husband, a better son, a better friend, a better citizen. That is what I strive to do, and I believe to be not alone, deep inside we all aspire to be a better Human.

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